Q&A with Actress, Vickie Mogford

What most appealed to you about The Uninvited?

I love a good ghost story but have never been part of one until now. The script appealed to me, so I grabbed the opportunity.

The story deals with themes such as trauma, deception, and the things people do to survive. Is there anything you particularly related to when reading it?

I have never had an encounter with a ghost, but I can imagine it could be quite traumatic, depending on its level of friendliness. I certainly could relate to the different relationships between the two couples as I’m sure we’ve all encountered similar dynamics with people we’ve met throughout our lives. I think the play projects very well how different these couples are, not just in age but their behaviour towards each other.

You play Mrs Roper, a good woman tempted into exacting revenge. How do you see her?

She’s kind, but her anger comes from the fact she feels cheated by Emily and Laurence and therefore feels revenge is justified.

How did you prepare for playing the role?

It’s perhaps an overused phrase, but it’s an organic process. You take an idea of who you feel she is from the script, then build on that depending on how it feels in rehearsals, and what you are getting back from the other actors. It changes over time, and performances will be – and should be – a little different every time.

Do you believe in ghosts?

No. I would love for someone or something to prove otherwise, but I think that when we’re dead, we’re dead.

What three words would you use to sum up the play?

Jumpy, amusing, unpredictable.

What other play/s would you compare it to?

It’s like 2:22 with a bit of Poltergeist thrown in.

Why should people come to see The Uninvited?

It’s a new, suspenseful ghost story that you need to know the ending to!

We’d like to thank Vickie for taking the time to speak to us and can’t wait for the showcase of The Uninvited at The Landmark Theatre in Ilfracombe.

Performance info
Thurs 12 September 2024, 6pm
£5 per ticket

Box Office Details
Phone: 01271 316523
Email: northdevon.tickets@landmarktheatres.co.uk

We hope to see you there.