Q&A With Actress, Hayley Foss

What most appealed to you about The Uninvited?

The character Chelsea, and that would have been my answer even if I wasn’t playing her.  She is the light in what is a pretty dark plot, as well as being very comfortable in her own skin; something the other characters struggle with.

The story deals with themes such as trauma, deception, and the things people do to survive. Is there anything you particularly related to when reading it?

I related to Emily’s hidden self the most. Having moved to a new city at the age of ten, I found it hard to fit in and hid parts of who I was to gain acceptance. It didn’t work and it took a long time to feel like I could be myself and realise that was okay.

You play Chelsea, a drop-in guest at Britannia Guest House whose presence seems to cause quite a stir. How do you see her?

Chelsea is the type of person who is immune to other people’s opinions of her, but confident in her own opinions of others. She trusts her instincts implicitly and this gives her the freedom to be herself, quickly identifying those who aren’t true to themselves.

How did you prepare for playing the role?

Prior to starting rehearsals, my only prep was reading the script and trying to get a feel for Chelsea. For me, rehearsing with the rest of the cast and the director is the best way to get into any character and develop them fully.

Do you believe in ghosts?

In short, no. My sister says she saw a ghost once when she was a teenager, but I think she left the lid off her Tippex too long.

What three words would you use to sum up the play?

Intriguing, amusing, and creepy.

What other play/s would you compare it to?

I don’t think I have watched any plays that are comparable to The Uninvited. I tend to watch comedies, but it does bring to my mind The Ballard of Maria Marten because of the sinister undertones and the suppression of Emily’s true self.

Why should people come to see The Uninvited?

Because it’s a great piece of writing, making it a showcase that nobody should miss.

We’d like to thank Hayley for taking the time to speak to us and can’t wait for the showcase of The Uninvited at The Landmark Theatre in Ilfracombe.

Performance info
Thurs 12 September 2024, 6pm
£5 per ticket

Box Office Details
Phone: 01271 316523
Email: northdevon.tickets@landmarktheatres.co.uk

We hope to see you there.