Between 15 – 29 March 2025, we will be making a feature film in Barnstaple, North Devon. The project is ambitious given that the filmmakers are attempting to make a £100,000 film for just £10,000, and as such, need to be extremely economical during production. Therefore, any favours we can pull in are integral to helping ensure we can make the film happen.
Whereas some might be daunted by the task, our team senses an opportunity to include people from our local community, an area that has historically been starved of such creative opportunities.
Below is a list of areas that the production is seeking assistance to help us make the film, Alone Together. If you think you can help, we’d love to hear from you.
Props Needed
Walking frame
Hospital drip
Metal bed rail
Plastic storage boxes x 8
Collapsible clothes rails x 2
Locations Needed
Altar (preferably outdoors) for flashback scenes of wedding day
Cinema / Theatre auditorium for medical emergency scene
Pharmacy for scene where our lead character meets a woman in the queue
Hospital ward for scenes where lead character is in a coma
Actors Needed
All major roles are now filled, but there are a couple of small speaking roles, along with the potential to be a background artist. If you are interested in appearing in the film, let us know.
Special Request
Use of a bus and bus driver to shoot multiple scenes over one afternoon
Use of an ambulance and ambulance driver for one shot
Use of a police car and driver for one scene
If you can provide anything from the list above, please contact Jody Medland in the first instance on the details below. If you can’t help but know somebody who can, please do share this page. Anyone who contributes to the film will be given suitable credits.
Jody Medland | Writer, Producer & Director
+44 (0) 773 136 1264
Download Press Release
Download Pitch Deck
Listen to Radio Interview
Interested in being an Executive Producer? Financial contributions from as little as £500 will ensure you are credited as such on the film, and you’ll receive other perks such as project updates, set visits, tickets to screenings, and also a Return On Investment deal that will see all investors paid back as a matter of priority once the film starts generating income. For more information, contact Jody today.