• Business as usual at Pen Works Media

    When do pseudonyms become deceitful?

    February 29, 2016 Blog

    I found it quite interesting to recently learn that James Patterson doesn’t actually write all his own books, and the discovery led me to wonder how his fans actually felt about it.

    In a recent blog, I highlighted a number of reasons why a writer may wish to use a pseudonym, but to optimise financial gain by allowing multiple authors to write under one umbrella wasn’t one of them, so I thought I’d try and add …


  • Pseudonym author

    What use is a pseudonym name to a writer?

    February 14, 2016 Blog

    If you know me, or read my blog, you’ll be fully aware of how passionately I believe in character development and story structure. I feel they are both integral to the creation of a great story, and it can take a lot of time and effort to write a book or a screenplay in what I consider to be the right way.

    If you agree with me and you’ve spent months or years of your life …